Police man hunt for a young man who stole a figure sum from 68yr old lady

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Police Scotland are looking for a young man in his 20s who stole a figure sum of cash from a lady in her own home.


*A elderly woman in Crieff has been left distraught after a thief walked into her house while she was still at home today (Dec 17) and stole a four figure sum of cash.

*The 68-year-old resident was at home in Pittenzie Street at around midday when she realised someone else was in the house. When she saw the man and demanded that he leave, he initially ignored her pleas and did not leave until he found money to steal.

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*The brazen thief is in his 20s, very slim and about five feet eight inches tall. At the time he wore a dark coloured hooded top with the hood up, jeans and dark gloves.

*In appealing for witnesses Police Scotland would encourage householders to always think about their personal and home security. Residents are advised to lock front and back doors, as well as windows even when at home – during the day and overnight.

*It’s also important to be a good neighbour – to look out for any suspicious activity in your community and report them to the police. Look out for others who live alongside you, particularly older or vulnerable neighbours. Ask if they need any help or require assistance to make their homes safer.

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*Keep an eye out for them, as well as a beady eye on anyone coming to their door. Report any suspicious activity in your area to the police.

*Anyone with information that can help to trace the person responsible for the theft in Crieff should contact Tayside Division immediately on 101, or speak to any officer.

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