How Twitter increased our traffic by 30%

You maybe be wondering why do we care? Well, because Twitter is a useful tool to have your brand reaching thousands, if not millions.

You maybe be wondering why do we care? Well, because Twitter is a useful tool to have your brand reaching thousands, if not millions. 


Twitter effectively boosted our traffic by more than 30% – Not by using one account either – that just gets boring. Two weeks ago Perth Gazette made several Twitter accounts to promote different content from the website. Like sport, opinions or blogs.

Louise Grant Social Media Manager said: “Using Twitter effectively, the right way, is good. Providing good source of content will always boost ranking, traffic and engagement. Having one account is boring and it may put off your followers, so its best to have separate accounts for different sections….similar to BuzzFeed”

Since then, looking on our special dashboard from Twitter we have had over 18,000 impressions, 250 new followers and gained more awareness. You can also verify your website with Twitter by placing a HTML tag by your header of the website. (Security to confirm its yours!)

So if you are interest in following our PG accounts, click here.

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