Work begins on new Local Development Plan

Following the adoption of Perth & Kinross Council’s Local Development Plan (LDP)in February 2014, councillors will be told at the next meeting of the Enterprise and Infrastructure.

Following the adoption of Perth & Kinross Council’s Local Development Plan (LDP)in February 2014, councillors will be told at the next meeting of the Enterprise and Infrastructure Committee on Wednesday 2 April that the Council needs to look ahead at how it will prepare a new plan in line with current legislation. The Planning (Scotland) Act 2006 dictates that such plans must be updated every five years.

Members of the Enterprise and Infrastructure Committee will be given an update on the progress of the creation of the next LDP by reviewing the first stage of the process, the Development Plan Scheme (DPS).

The DPS sets out the agenda for preparing and reviewing the LDP and includes a programme and timetable for preparing and publishing the plan; what is involved at each stage of preparing the plan; and a Participation Statement, which indicates the involvement of all parties in the plan and outlines when, how and with whom consultation will take place.

The DPS will be reviewed annually to provide an up-to-date picture of how the Council is progressing with the preparation of the plan. The reviews will be made available for public scrutiny on the Council’s website, and in Council offices and libraries.

Enterprise and Infrastructure Convener, Councillor John Kellas commented: “The Council’s development of an LDP is a shining example of its ability to get the best out of partnership working as well as working with local communities across Perth and Kinross. The Council will build on the lessons learned from the first LDP process involving the residents of Perth and Kinross, public bodies and the private and voluntary sectors. I am confident that the work being invested in developing the updated plan will ensure the people of Perth and Kinross continuing benefits.”

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