Young people invited to join Creative Generation project

Perth Museum & Art Gallery is looking for young people aged 16 to 25 to join a new project where they can discover more about the art world and life as a practising artist or budding curator.

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Perth Museum & Art Gallery is looking for young people aged 16 to 25 to join a new project where they can discover more about the art world and life as a practising artist or budding curator.

Creative Generation is part of GENERATION, a national celebration of 25 years of contemporary art in Scotland, and young people taking part in the project will be focussing in particular on the work of Scottish painter Alison Watt, whose art will be showcased in an exhibition at Perth Museum and Art Gallery during the summer of 2014.

Participants will have the chance to gain experience of being an artist or curator and share their newly-gained knowledge with visitors to the Museum and Art Gallery.

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Anyone aged 16 to 25 who is interested in studying art or in continuing art as a career is invited to apply. The closing date for applications is Monday 28th April 2014.

For further information and to obtain an application form, please visit Perth Museum and Art Gallery, George Street, Perth, email or call 01738 632488 and ask for Anna Murray, Project Coordinator for Creative Generation.

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