Businesses in Perth have spoken out over their upset and frustration towards the Scottish Government and Perth & Kinross Council.
Pig Halle a family business in Perth posted a blog on their official website expressing their important issues over the lack of “communication”.
Recently Sweet Success, Mac & Posh, Vita Bar & Grill and Laura Ashley have recenelty closed down their businesses, however, Mac & Posh remain online only.
Paula the owner of Pig Halle said: ”
You see, as independents we take risks like no other. We don’t have the backing of a large PLC, we don’t have a public purse to bail us out and we don’t have large budgets to throw extravagant events in a bid to stage some One Night Only type event. We come with new ideas, debt up to our eyeballs (or a re-mortgage on the house!)and a willingness to work extra hard. We know when we start out that there are no guarantees but we do it anyway because we have courage in our convictions.
My issue with this current situation, of good businesses closing down is that I am working in a city and paying rates to a council that appears to have little or no network of support for its businesses. Now, before I get a list of talking-shops sent to me can I point out that in 11 years of business no-one has come to my door asking my opinion, wondering what we think could be done to improve things and what is going wrong with our town. Neither Herve nor I have ever been invited to attend any groups or meetings (although seriously, do I have time to listen to some man tell me there are no problems and send me back to sit in my restaurant looking at empty streets”
The statement which is published on a blog has sparked major discussion with Perth City Centre Management team. Leigh Brown and Gill Cain have also responded to the discussion in a bid to answer concerned questions.
Green Room owner Frank Burger-seed said:”We need to create a vibrant nightlife. In my opinion – and I’m sure many more would agree – to do this we really need to become a city in more than just title alone. We need to let take aways and food outlets open until 6am or 24hrs; at the moment you cannot get any hot food in Perth past 1:30am much to the shock and dismay of the many tourists who ask me. We need to let pubs open until 2:30am+ 7days a week and clubs open till 4am+ at weekends.”
PKC have advised the people of Perth and business owners to get in-touch which you can also contact the City Centre manager on the email shown.
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