After speculation Police Scotland finally announce any offenders arrested during weekdays will be taken to Dundee Headquarters during the Commonwealth Games.
Police Scotland Head of Custody Chief Superintendent Ciorstan Shearer said: ” Police Scotland is committed to providing safe, secure and accessible custodial services to meet the needs of police officers in keeping our communities safe.
“During the lead into the Commonwealth Games the demand on local policing and custodial services was judged such that Dundee Police Station would become the primary receiving Custody Centre from Monday to Thursday with Perth Custody Centre coming fully on-line at the weekends (Friday afternoon to Monday morning).
“Importantly, with the advent of Police Scotland, where legacy force boundaries no longer apply, police officers now have the option to use custody centres within other Police Scotland Divisions which can reduce travel times.
“Police Scotland will of course continue to evaluate and monitor the development of its custodial services to ensure the most effective and efficient use is made of its resources in keeping people safe.
“The situation will revert back to normal after the end of the Commonwealth Games. “