Perth residents to Rally on Sunday after allegations of Independence rigged votes

Perth campaigners have organised a rally for Sunday, 21st of September, to campaign against allegations of Scottish Independence votes.

Perth campaigners have organised a rally for Sunday, 21st of September, to campaign against allegations of Scottish Independence votes.

Yes Vote campaigners have organised a rally for tomorrow as allegations continue over Scottish Independence votes. Organisers across Scotland are hoping for an independent review. However, Alex Salmond and David Cameron agreed a review will not take place.

Prime Minister David Cameron has asked for all party leaders to keep to their promises. Labour opposition leader Ed Miliband said plans for constitutional change on that scale needed to be put to members of the public through a convention in autumn 2015, after the next parliamentary election – which Cameron’s Conservatives said amounted to kicking the issue “into the long grass”.

In an interview with STV today, Mr Salmond said No voters were tricked by Westminster and already have scraped the timetable which was promised by party leaders.

Over 70,000 people have signed a petition claiming the ballot counting was fraud. (Direct Gov) A Facebook set up which has received over 140,000 likes within the space of 24 hours asks people to spread the 45 campaign in order for a recount over the allegations.

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