Scotland rejects Independence

Scotland’s nation has decided Scotland should remain part of the United Kingdom.

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Scotland’s nation has decided Scotland should remain part of the United Kingdom.

The campaign has came to an end, for some upsetting, for some remaining happy. Perth & Kinross decided to vote No for Independence along with Aberdeen and Edinburgh. While Dundee and Glasgow voted for Independence.

Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, a supporter of independence, told the BBC the projected result was “a deep personal and political disappointment” but said “the country has been changed forever”.

Ms Sturgeon said she would work with “anyone in any way” to secure more powers for Scotland.

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The Counting Officer for Perth & Kinross Council has announced the total votes cast for each answer in the Scottish Independence Referendum.

A total of 41,475 votes were cast for Yes and a total of 62,714 votes were cast for No.

A total of 96 votes were rejected for a number of reasons, including: 16 voted in favour of both answers; 1 included writing or a mark by which the voter could be identified and 79 were unmarked or void for uncertainty.

The turnout for the Perth and Kinross area was 86.9% , with 104,285 voters returning a ballot paper from a total registered electorate in Perth and Kinross of 120,049.  The electorate included 3,309 young voters.

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