Perth & Kinross Council to carry out site visits following complaints of new LED lights across Perth

After complaints emerge on social media Perth & Kinross Council has confirmed they will be carrying out site visits following low lighting complaints across Perth.

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After complaints emerge on social media Perth & Kinross Council has confirmed they will be carrying out site visits following low lighting complaints across Perth.

A spokeswoman confirmed new lights have been installed recently and are aware of some concerns. After a short examination various streets now seem to be darker, making some safe streets vulnerable.

A spokeswoman said: “We are currently replacing older, less efficient street lights with modern LED lights in some areas of Perth. We will complete the first phase of installation this week.

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“LED lights provide a significant energy saving, in terms of both CO2 emissions and cost. In addition, the light output from an LED street light is more controlled. This means that light is concentrated on pavements and roads, reducing light intrusion into adjacent gardens and buildings.

“We’re aware of the concerns raised and will be carrying out a site visit next week to examine the new LED street lights. Further adjustments can be made to the lights if this is required.”

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