An Anti-Social Behaviour Order was made at Perth Sheriff Court on Wednesday 3 July 2015 against a tenant of the Council, Mr Martin Methven of 8 Bute Drive, Perth.
The ASBO was made on the application of Perth & Kinross Council’s Safer Communities Team.
This was as a result of enquires made by the Council’s Safer Communities Team after numerous complaints were received alleging that Mr Methven and visitors to his address were subjecting residents in the block of flats to various forms of anti-social behaviour including noisy parties and intimidation.
The Order prohibits Mr Methven from allowing loud music to be played in his property, having more than two persons in the property at one time or intimidating or abusing residents or visitors to properties within the immediate vicinity.
The ASBO was sought only after attempts were made by the Safer Communities Team to work with Mr Methven to change his behaviour.
Anti-Social Behaviour Orders are preventative measures to ensure that the lives of residents in Perth and Kinross are not affected by the anti-social conduct of others.
Residents of Perth and Kinross who feel that they are victims of anti-social behaviour can contact the Council’s Safer Communities Team in confidence by calling 01738 476173.