The people of Perthshire are far more positive about Brit weather than neighbours in Kinross

Perthshire are far more chipper than neighbours in Kinross-Shire when it comes to the weather according to a Twitter study by British Gas.

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Perthshire are far more chipper than neighbours in Kinross-Shire when it comes to the weather according to a Twitter study by British Gas.

It is a well-worn cliché that we as a nation discuss the weather in great detail. This month alone we’ve had washouts and heatwaves, and let’s be honest we still can’t be sure whether we’ll need an umbrella later or not. These weather discussions are a national past time and they natural spill onto social  media.

With this in mind, British Gas have produced a fully interactive piece that looks at the UK as a whole in order to highlight counties which are most likely to take to social media to voice their weather-induced gripes and which are more inclined to look on the bright side of British weather.

Click here for the wonderful graphics by British Gas 

A staggering 79% of every single tweet sent about the weather from people in Perthshire is positive, which is 15% higher than the national average.

Some examples here

They are also extremely cheery in the face of rain: only 17% of their focused tweets are about the rainfall which is actually less than the national average. If The following report from the Met Office shows that they do actually see a considerable amount of rainfall annually but it doesn’t appear to get them down.

Perthshire is also ice cool when it comes to the snow. According to the following Report from the Met Office on snowfall in the UK, we can see that Perthshire gets between 50-60 days of snow a year, which is extremely high – but we can see that they aren’t phased by it at all, because only 8% of their tweets are related to it – this is 3% less than the national average.

When we look at Kinross-shire

–  When we compare this with their neighbours in Kinross-shire, we can see that they are considerably more negative about British weather than the national average unlike their extremely positive neighbours in Perthshire.

The people of Kinross-shire aren’t appreciative of the sun either. They are 19% less likely than the national average to tweet their appreciation for the sunshine. They get far less than the national average which you could argue is why they are less inclined to tweet about it. However, their neighbours in Perthshire get the same amount annually and are 16% more likely to take to Twitter about it.

– The people of Kinross-shire are far more likely to moan about the snow than their neighbours in Perthshire: In fact, they are 18% more likely to voice their snow-ladened gripes on social media than their neighbours. Both counties get the maximum amount of snowfall annually in the UK, but Perthshire are far more likely to get on with it while Kinross-shire can’t resist a moan on Twitter.

Some examples here

The fully interactive piece entitled ‘Sunny With a Side of Twitter’ uses geo-located Twitter data over 12 months in order to look at every UK County, to see if where we live impacts our outlook on the weather and indeed whether some of us are more inclined to look on the bright side come rain or shine or are simply just  ‘weather-whingers.’

British Gas took a quarter of a million tweets from people in the UK that relate to weather. They pinpointed the precise location attached to the tweet and used a tool to determine whether the sentiment behind each tweet was negative or a positive.

By doing this British Gas could essentially determine which counties in the UK are more likely to weather-whinge and which are more inclined to look on the bright side come rain or shine.

Please note this was not a survey, which was a detailed analysis of social media discussions about the weather.

Sunny, with a side of Twitter by British Gas

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