Many organisations across Scotland will be joining Perth’s demonstrations on Sunday after SDL plan to march through Perth City Centre over new mosque developments.
Bosses at Perth and Kinross Council have supported the new developments for a mosque in Perth. A member from SDL claims parking issues were ignored by Perth and Kinross Council while another claims parking concerns are not the reason for the protest.
Only five objections under the council’s scheme of the delegation were submitted to Perth and Kinross Council.
The National Union of Students will be attending Perth’s demonstrations on Sunday as the SDL plan to march through Perth City Centre but they will be faced with hundreds of members from many organisations including MP Pete Wishart.
NUS statement said: “If you want to join us, standing shoulder to shoulder against the SDL and in solidarity with Muslim students and the wider community, I would urge you to come to our demonstration in Perth. We’ll be sending a clear message that Scotland is a welcoming, tolerant country – where everyone is free to practise their religion without persecution.”
Perth Unison also confirmed they will be supporting against the SDL’s protest and along with MP Pete Wishart.
Council bosses approved a development on a new mosque in Perth but SDL members claim their concerns were ignored. A member from SDL claims parking issues were ignored by Perth and Kinross Council while another claims parking concerns are not the reason for the protest.
Members of the Scottish Defence League were out in force handing out leaflets to members of the public in Perth at the start of the week.
A spokesperson from Perth Against Racisms said: “The fascist organisation, the Scottish Defence League, intend to come to Perth on September 10th to protest against the building of a new mosque within the city.
Several organisations and local residents have joined together under the collective name of Perth Against Racism and are speaking out against this blatant display of hatred being imposed on us.
A peaceful counter demonstration is being planned to give a voice to all of those opposed to the march.
The “SDL” have insulted the intelligence of the people of Perth thinking that we are stupid enough to believe that they are coming here to champion on our behalf about parking spaces!
It is clear, however, that their real aim is to scapegoat and to provoke Muslims, in order to divide and isolate them from wider society. This is part of their programme of incitement against religious and ethnic minorities generally, as they had attempted earlier this year in Wishaw and Alloa.
We call upon the good people of Perth from all walks of life to open their hearts and stand together to show that we are a welcoming, modern and multicultural city.”
An event has been set up by Perth Against Racisms, please click here.
Canny wait to see the save our parking bays sign tomorrow
— Michael Fergusson (@mickeyfs) September 9, 2017