Objections to Kinnoull Hill Tower plans

Plans to erect interpretation boards on a newly formed stone circle, in close proximity to the tower at the top of Kinnoull Hill have attracted a number of objections.

Plans to erect interpretation boards on a newly formed stone circle, in close proximity to the tower at the top of Kinnoull Hill have attracted a number of objections.

The application has been made by the Tay Landscape Partnership (TLP) but has met with a number of objections including the Kinnoull Hill Woodland Park Group (KHWG). The main gripe is that the boards will detract from the landscape of the tower and contain little information on the tower itself.

David Wood, from KHWG said: ā€œThe environs of the Tower are a Perth icon with wonderful views of national repute. Any development of the site must be done with sensitivity and blend in to this site of outstanding natural beauty. The proposals fail in every way to be sensitive to the site.

The ground treatment is totally inappropriate being more like a garden center display than a natural environment. The only ground treatment should be natural finish paving to reduce erosion.

The plinths are an alien feature for a natural landscape. To tell the story of the Tower, one small plinth is all that is needed. Ā The need to tell a wider history will only make an unsightly and unnecessary clutter, seriously detracting from the beauty of the natural environment.To summarise, this proposal will, quite simply, spoil forever, one of Perth’s beautiful wild placesā€.

The full application (17/02271/FLL) can be viewed online at planning apps.pkc.gov.uk.

ImageĀ Credit: Marysia Macfarlane

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