UPDATEDMiconex revamps Mi Rewards scheme with prize focus to drive local and regular spend in Perth

Perth based Miconex have revamped its Mi Rewards scheme with a prize focus, making it the first free for business loyalty programme in the UK.

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Perth based Miconex have revamped its Mi Rewards scheme with a prize focus, making it the first free for business loyalty programme in the UK.

The move is intended to make Mi Rewards more accessible for businesses and more attractive for customers, driving local and regular spend in Perth.

In September customers who buy with registered businesses in Perth will be entered into a draw to win a £500 Perth Gift Card.

The competition is the latest initiative for the tech firm’s Spend Local Win Big campaign, part of the Mi Rewards loyalty programme. The prize on offer to customers will change each month, with October’s prize being two tickets for Perth’s Party at the Park.  

Customers link their regular payment cards to Mi Rewards instead of using a separate loyalty card. They are automatically entered into the draw to win that month’s prize each time they earn 10 points, equivalent to spending £10.

Perth was the first place in the UK to offer Mi Rewards, which rewards customers for spending money at registered businesses.

70 independent businesses in Perth are part of the programme, including retailers like McCash’s Country Store, Begg Shoes and Craigdon Mountain Sports, hospitality businesses such as Café Tabou and The Old Ship Inn, and leisure services like Live Active Rodney and Murrayshall Country House Hotel and Golf Club. National chains like Mercure and regional outfits like Monterey Jack’s are also part of the scheme.

“We launched Mi Rewards in Perth in 2018. Since then, over £650,000 has been spent locally through Mi Rewards,” said Managing Director of Miconex Colin Munro. “Prizes were the obvious choice for updating the programme. When we have used prizes in the past, there would be a spike in customers registering. It’s an attractive proposition for customers.”

“With our old scheme, points could be swapped for gift cards and businesses had to set up a direct debit and put money aside for the cards. Whilst they understood the benefits of incentivising their customers, it was seen as a cost. The new Mi Rewards scheme needs no hardware, no software, it’s free for businesses and all they have to do is register. Businesses need programmes that work. We had to remove the barriers for them to access the scheme.”

“The different prize each month gives Perth and other cities that use Mi Rewards the chance to promote their city and events taking place, such as the Christmas pantomime, and to appeal to different demographics through the prize on offer. It also gives the business something to talk to customers about each month through their social channels.”

Mr Munro believes the revamped loyalty scheme will support Perth businesses impacted by covid: “In recent months, we’ve seen both national retailers and independents announce that they are closing in Perth. It’s vital that we encourage customers to spend local on a regular basis before we lose yet more of the places that make Perth the vibrant city it is.”

One Perth business that is benefiting from being part of the scheme is McCash’s Country Store which has remained open throughout the pandemic, selling its animal feeds and medicines.

“We’re busier than ever,” said Manager of McCash’s Country Store Alastair Muirhead. “It’s our basics that people are buying right now like the animal feeds, whilst the luxury clothing has dropped off. In lockdown, people have become more focused on their animals.”

“McCash’s has been involved with Mi Rewards from the beginning, and we’re proactive about explaining the benefits to our customers. Sometimes customers will say they’ve got enough loyalty cards and I can reassure them that they don’t need one. They register the cards they use to pay and that’s it.”

“The new scheme will incentivise my average customer more. With a competition entry every time they spend £10, everyone has a chance to achieve something each time they shop.”

“Mi Rewards is fantastic for any business to be a part of because it helps with sales and is backed by technology and skill. McCash’s has been around since 1746 and we want to still be here for years to come doing the same thing, Mi Rewards helps us to do that.”

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