High Concerns Over Increase Of Drink Drivers In Tayside

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Police Scotland Tayside division have worrying concerns over the high increase of drink drivers in Tayside.


Over 20 accounts of drink driving were noticed in Tasyide region in October. A number have been stopped or detected by Road Policing Officers and their local policing area colleagues attempting to drive home after a night out on the drink. Four were stopped in a half hour period (2.45am to 3.15am) in Tayside – three of them in the Perthshire area and another in Dundee.

*Drunk drivers have been traced by police following collisions that were thankfully minor; having taken a vehicle without permission; and even while putting fuel in a car at a petrol station while clearly the worse for wear.

*When submitted to breath or blood alcohol tests, police officers have found readings that are three and even four times the legal limits and not all of those taken off the road have been first offenders.

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*The dangers posed to others using the road are incontrovertible.

Inspector Grant Edward, of Tayside Division Road Policing Unit, said:

”It is a genuine concern that we appear to have people who are out for a night’s drinking, who then feel it is perfectly okay to then get into the driver’s seat and head home.

”I am just grateful that this reckless behaviour has not led to a death on our roads. That is simply down to good fortune and our concerted efforts to identify these people, get them off our roads and before the courts.

”We are about to enter the festive party season where we acknowledge there is a temptation for people to drink a little more than they would otherwise.

”But that temptation should not spill over into taking a chance on driving when over the limit. If you are drinking under no circumstances should you drive.”

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Police Scotland receives excellent support from the public in tracking down the drink drivers and Tayside Division would encourage anyone who is fearful that someone is about to drink and drive to contact the police immediately. Do not tolerate drink drivers – they are a danger to us all.

Inspector Edward said:

”Keeping People Safe is our priority and the public support we receive is outstanding. The information provided to us allows us to detect drink and drug drivers, get them off our roads and put them before the courts at the earliest opportunity.”

Anyone who wishes to report a drink or drug driver should contact Police Scotland on 101, or the charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

If you believe it is an emergency situation phone 999.

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