Popular delivery service Deliveroo launches today in Perth

Deliveroo is to create around 50 jobs throughout the year and is set to create a buzz following their success in other cities.

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Deliveroo is to create around 50 jobs throughout the year and is set to create a buzz following their success in other cities.

More than 15 restaurants have signed up to the service so far including Sante, The Italian Corner, The Mexican, Duo Restaurant and Monterey Jack’s.

Caroline Hazlehurst, General Manager at Deliveroo, said: “We’re extremely excited to be launching in Perth and we’re looking forward to bringing some of the town’s delicious dishes straight from the hands of local chefs to customers’ doors.

“Our new riders in Perth are now kitted out in their new hyper-reflective kit and locals can order from the fantastic variety of restaurants in Perth, whatever they want, whenever they want, all from the comfort of their own home, office desk or wherever else hunger strikes.

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“We already have a number of great partners across the city and we are excited to expand and widen the variety of restaurants on offer to our customers in Perth over the course of the next year.”

Some of Perth’s new Deliveroo cyclists – PG / Deliveroo

Deliveroo is focused on providing the ultimate food delivery experience. Customers have the option to schedule orders via the Deliveroo app up to one day in advance or receive food as soon as possible between 12 noon and 11pm, from a variety of leading local, independent and high-quality chain restaurants, conveniently delivered to their homes and offices in an average of 30 minutes.

Perth citizens also have the opportunity now to apply for the Gold Card. It’s official, Deliveroo announced a full year free food on them. You can apply here.

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You can now start ordering via the official app from the App Store and Google Play.

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