More businesses are set to open in 2014

More businesses in Perth are set open up in the town centre.

1Big Think

Starbucks Coffee, creating 15 jobs is set to be opened up in the former Laura Ashley shop while the old Greggs shop and Jessops are to be reopened with new businesses.

While Perth & Kinross Council are to advise local retailers to remain open later on a Friday night which could drive more customers into Perth.

A poll which took place on Perth Gazette last week asked readers what kind of businesses would they like to be set up. 58% said they would like to see more clothes shops while 9% said more nightclubs.

Comments from Michelle Hardwood said “We’ve not got many compared to Arbroath!! My god I couldn’t believe how many they have, every 2nd shop seemed to be a charity shop!” which Michelle was referring to “too many charity & coffee shops in Perth”

Another comment a forum which was made “Perth is full of cafes, bookies and charity shops. While I hope these businesses gain their achievements I feel its bad that PKC allow more of these retails to join. Starbucks might just steal everyone’s customers.”

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