Police Scotland reports to be heard by Council Community Safety Committee

Perth & Kinross Council’s Community Safety Committee will consider reports covering Police Scotland’s ‘Local Policing Plan 2014-2017’ and the organisation’s Local policing area performance results from 1 April to 30 November 2013 at the next meeting of the Community Safety Committee on Thursday 30 January 2014.


The Local Policing Plan is the first local plan under the new policing arrangements for Scotland and represents a critical part of the delivery process for the new service. Local policing aims to achieve real differences to the way services are delivered to local communities. The new approach will give a greater opportunity to improve accountability and increase scrutiny whilst retaining Police Scotland’s commitment to ‘Keeping People Safe’. It establishes the issues that are important to communities across Scotland including public protection and safety, serious and organised crime, road safety and antisocial behaviour.

Leader of the Council, Councillor Ian Miller said: “Through the Community Planning process Perth & Kinross Council has enjoyed a close and successful partnership with the Police for many years. We share the objectives set out in the Local Policing Plan and together we are committed to focusing on tackling the issues which may negatively impact on communities to ensure they remain safe, strong and sustainable in the future.”

Police Scotland’s local area performance results focussed on the quarterly reporting period covering 1 April to 30 November 2013 and revealed a 7.5 per cent drop in crimes of violence and a 35 per cent reduction in vandalism and malicious mischief. The levels of the recorded crimes of drugs supply, production and cultivation and shoplifting had also reduced over the same period. The recorded level of crimes of indecency has risen and the rise in recording this type of incident continues in part due to retrospective reporting of incidents that happened some time ago, with recent well-publicised cases of historic abuse perhaps giving victims greater confidence to report such matters to the Police.

Against a five year average, detection rates for robbery are 100 per cent. Also on a positive note the number of people killed or injured in road traffic accidents has reduced.

Community Safety Convener, Councillor Douglas Pover commented: “The reports we are considering identify how crucial the work of Police Scotland is in Perth and Kinross. Although there are areas where Police Scotland would look to improve, the dedication and focus of this service continues to make a very positive difference to our communities in terms of Community Safety.”


Courtesy of PKC

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