Celebration dinners all round for Home Start – Perth

Last week volunteers, trustees and staff from Home Start Perth came together to celebrate the hard work of their volunteers in helping families with young children throughout Perth and Kinross.

Last week volunteers, trustees and staff from Home Start Perth came together to celebrate the hard work of their volunteers in helping families with young children throughout Perth and Kinross, at their annual volunteers’ dinner held at The Bothy in Perth.

The work of Home Start would be impossible without the efforts of their volunteers; who are trained by Home Start and all have parenting experience, will visit a family in their own home offering practical and emotional support in situations as diverse as isolation, bereavement, multiple births, illness, disability or just where parenting is a struggle.

Our volunteers are non-judgemental and will help build the family’s confidence and ability to cope with day to day family life.

Home-Start Perth was set up in 1984 and will be celebrating their 30th Anniversary later this year with a number of exciting events, Home Start Perth helped many families and children in the Perth and Kinross community last year.

With 30 home-visiting volunteers spending a few hours a week helping parents with children under five years old. The volunteers visit parents at home and use their own parenting experience to support other mothers and fathers and give them practical and emotional help.

Each year Home Start Perth holds its annual Volunteer dinner as a small way of expressing their gratitude to their volunteers. This year the dinner was held in The Bothy in Perth, a chance for volunteers, staff and trustees to get together and celebrate the hard work they all do.

Volunteering for Home-Start Perth can be very rewarding. After an initial training course (5 hours per week for 9 weeks) volunteers are reimbursed expenses, offered support and ongoing training as well as opportunities to meet other volunteers in return for 2 hours of their time each week.


If you are interested in the work of Home-Start’s Perth or becoming a volunteer or Trustee, please Home-Start Perth on 01738 638847. Alternatively have a look at our website www.homestartperth.org.uk or email us on info@homestartperth.org.uk. Home-Start Perth has also recently joined Facebook and Twitter, where you can keep up with all the latest Home-Start Perth news and events, www.facebook.com/homestartperth Twitter: @HomeStartPerth

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