Online service launched to report irresponsible pet owners

To support the recent launch of the Animal Welfare anti dog fouling campaign, ‘If They Don’t Bin It – Drop Them In It’ Perth & Kinross Council’s Trading Standards Team have setup a new service.

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To support the recent launch of the Animal Welfare anti dog fouling campaign, ‘If They Don’t Bin It – Drop Them In It’ Perth & Kinross Council’s Trading Standards Team have introduced an online facility to allow concerned citizens to complain about dog fouling incidents and report details to the Council.

The campaign follows on from Perth & Kinross’s ‘Bag It and Bin It’ message by encouraging those offended by thoughtless dog owners to report details of incidents of fouling – with special emphasis on providing as much information as possible to help identify the offenders.

Community Safety Convener Councillor Douglas Pover commented: “We hope to encourage local residents to report information about anti-social dog owners who fail to pick up after their dogs.

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“The new online form allows information to be passed to the enforcement officers to help target persistent offenders. The details of dog fouling incidents will also be passed to the Council’s Operations service to inspect and collect as necessary.”

The online form, ‘Dog fouling’ is available by clicking on the ‘Report It’ tab on each page of the Council website.

The form leads respondents through a series of questions to provide information about the incident – where the offence occurred, when it happened, and information to help identify the owner of the dog. Dog fouling can also be reported by contacting 01738 476476.

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The information reported is treated in confidence and residents calling the service will have their identities protected if they wish.

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