Perth & Kinross Council announce celebrations if St Johnstone FC win the Scottish Cup Final

Should St Johnstone win the Scottish Cup on Saturday 17th May 2014 there will be a celebration consisting of an Open Top Bus tour of Perth and the City Centre by the players and officials.

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Should St Johnstone win the Scottish Cup on Saturday 17th May 2014 there will be a celebration consisting of an Open Top Bus tour of Perth and the City Centre by the players and officials of St Johnstone on Sunday 18th May 2014.

The Bus Tour will make its way to Horsecross Plaza in Mill Street, Perth where there will be a celebration consisting of screen, stage etc. At the close of this event the St Johnstone party will be received at the Royal George Hotel for a Civic Reception.

Note : There will be no PKC City Centre event held anywhere within the City Centre on the Saturday evening of 17th May 2014.

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Should St Johnstone not win the Scottish Cup there will be no celebration on Sunday 18th May 2014 with the exception of the Civic Reception which will still take place at the allotted time of 14.15 in the Royal George Hotel.  This will celebrate the successful season which St Johnstone have enjoyed so far.

The provisional Plans (and timings) for  Sunday 18th May 2014 will be as follows :

  • 12 noon                Open Top Bus will leave McDiarmid Park
  • 13.15                     Open Top Bus enters High Street
  • 13.15                     Perth Pipe Band lead the Bus along High Street, Kinnoull Street and along Mill Street to Horsecross Plaza
  • 13.30                     Open Top Bus stops outside Perth Concert Hall, Mill Street
  • 13.30                     Celebrations ensue involving Stage and large screen on Horsecross Plaza
  • 14.10                     End of Event
  • 14.10                     Players board Open Top Bus which progresses to Royal George Hotel in Tay Street
  • 14.15                     Civic Reception commences at Royal George Hotel
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