PRI nurse retires after 26 years of service

Lesley Richardson, staff nurse at Simpson Day Unit, Perth Royal Infirmary, has retired after 26 years service with NHS.

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Lesley Richardson, staff nurse at Simpson Day Unit, Perth Royal Infirmary, has retired after 26 years service with NHS.

Lesley started her nurse training in 1988 and held a number of roles in Newcastle before moving to Scotland in 2003.

In 2004, Lesley started working at the assessment clinic for the elderly at Simpson Day Unit.

Lesley plans to make full use of her new found free time by spending more time in the garden and arranging holidays with family and friends.

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Amanda Clements, manager of Simpson Day Unit, said, “Lesley will be greatly missed by the team. She has been a great asset and has worked tirelessly over the years to deliver a patient-centred service to older people in Perth and Kinross. We all wish Lesley well for her retirement.”

Perth Gazette wishes a congratulations to Lesley for her outstanding work throughout her career.


by Lyndsey Daun

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