5 top eyesores in Perth

5 top eyesores in Perth, from building to council issues.

1. The Waverley Hotel

Once a top hotel for high teas and ballroom dances, now left to rot.


2. The City Hall

A building that has history, now people want it demolished or turned into a 5 star hotel.


3.  Parking issues

Many visitors “put off” from shopping in Perth due to parking.


4.  St Paul’s Church

A church that probably is used for birds to shelter,  but talks have it another possible Indian restaurant.


5. Potholes

Government spending 200 million on Potholes this year. Improvement has been noticed in Perth.


Can you think of anymore eyesores in Perthshire? Do let us know by clicking here. [div style=”border-width:5px; border-style:dotted; border-color:#dddddd ;text-align:center;”] Perth Gazette Blogs is a place for opinions. These opinions belong to the author and are not necessarily shared by Perth Gazette[/div]

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