Social media improves your brand says Perth Gazette Digital

Perth Gazette online digital team says having a social media presence improves trust, ranking and traffic.

Perth Gazette online digital team says having a social media presence improves trust, ranking and traffic.

For example having one Facebook Page and Twitter isn’t enough for some as we speak for ourselves. Organising social media in different sections works 80% of the time.

Today we have launched two new Facebook pages which makes it more interesting, cleaner and effective.

Perth Breaking News – but why?

Perth Gazette visitors mostly love crime news and breaking news according to Google Webmaster Tools. So to keep negative and positive posts equal a separate page was created.

Clearly from the captured image below shows over 900 likes in the space of 3 hours.


Perth Business – but why?

Visitors love hearing about new openings in Perth and the City Centre strangely enough they like to be kept informed about closures. Recently Vita Bar & Grill shut up shop and the post circulated around 93,000 reach.


We are planning to improve our social media presence more throughout the year so if you have any suggestions regarding our social media please email us at

Want to know all of our social media accounts? – Click here for more info.

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