Rural Perth & Kinross LEADER Draft Business Plan

On Wednesday, September 3, members of the Council’s Enterprise and Infrastructure Committee will discuss the Rural Perth & Kinross LEADER Draft Business Plan (2014-2020) developed by the Rural Perth & Kinross LEADER Local Action Group.

On Wednesday, September 3, members of the Council’s Enterprise and Infrastructure Committee will discuss the Rural Perth & Kinross LEADER Draft Business Plan (2014-2020) developed by the Rural Perth & Kinross LEADER Local Action Group.

The overall aim of the plan is to support individuals, organisations and communities in rural Perth and Kinross to be stronger, more confident and inclusive to lead or contribute to local economic and community development.

The business plan is broken down into seven sections which outlines how the rural LEADER programme will be taken forward and managed in the future.

The plan considers the strategic objectives which will be translated into actions, along with why they have been selected. Key priorities include a youth initiative; a capacity building programme; a community broadband network initiative and a small business grant to support start up, business growth and farm diversification.

The plan goes onto detail the governance of the programme and discusses how it will be managed; the administration of the programme and how it will run on a day-to-day basis; how the business plan will be promoted and how it will be monitored and evaluated.

The finance section of the plan details the finite resources needed to deliver the strategy. A budget of £5,125,000 is proposed, with the Business Plan bidding for LEADER funding of £3,750,000 with the difference (match funding) being provided by project applications using local or national funding sources.

It is expected that the Scottish Government will consider the business plan and the proposed level of funding by November 2014. This would allow for an estimated operational start date of January 2015.

Councillor John Kellas, Convener of the Enterprise and Infrastructure Committee, said: “Our business plan for the LEADER programme is robust and well-conceived and I’m confident that we can achieve our aims and objectives for the strategy in the coming years. Once we have approval from the Scottish Government we can move forward with this exciting plan and help our communities get projects off the ground that will have real, tangible benefits for their local area.”

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