Edmonton beheading: Victim named as Palmira Silva

Scotland Yard release details of the tragic incident which had taken place this afternoon in London, 4th September 2014.

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Scotland Yard release details of the tragic incident which had taken place this afternoon in London, 4th September 2014.

The 82-year-old woman named as Palmira Sivla was beheaded in broad day light in her own back-garden. Police have arrested a 25-year-old male on suspicious of murder.

It’s also understood a cat was beheaded.

The Telegraph has reported that one line of inquiry for detectives is understood to be whether the arrested man ‘had been inspired by recent footage of the Isil beheadings of two US journalists in Syria’.

The newspaper says locals last night claimed the arrested man ‘had converted to Islam last year’. – Daily Mirror is reporting.




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