Have fun at Halloween but keep safe

Police Scotland is encouraging young people to stay safe and show respect to others whilst they are out ‘guising’ this Halloween. This message extends to parents who can help to keep their children safe whilst they take part in these activities.

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Police Scotland is encouraging young people to stay safe and show respect to others whilst they are out ‘guising’ this Halloween. This message extends to parents who can help to keep their children safe whilst they take part in these activities.

If your child is guising this Halloween, please only go to houses of people that you already know and who are happy for you to call at their door. Show particular consideration to the elderly when you knock on their doors and respect any signs which suggest the occupant does not wish to take part in Halloween activities.

Carry a torch and make sure to walk in well-lit places, avoiding short cuts and remote routes and pay attention to traffic when crossing the roads.

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The message from the police is that everyone should be able to enjoy the fun of Halloween safely and respectfully.

Police Scotland are also encouraging party goers to be safe this weekend and to enjoy themselves safely and responsibly. Officers are also reminding people to ensure they get home safely.

Chief Inspector Gary Ogilvie said:

‘We want revellers to enjoy the fun that comes with Halloween this weekend but would urge everyone to take care around the amount of alcohol they consume and take responsibility for themselves and look out for their friends’.

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