The People’s Stroke Group in Perth unveil art display

The People’s Stroke Group in Perth unveiled a display of their art work at Perth Grammar School today (Monday).

The People’s Stroke Group in Perth unveiled a display of their art work at Perth Grammar School today (Monday).

The exhibition has been made possible by ST/ART, an arts project for stroke and acquired brain injury participants across Tayside, which is run by Tayside Healthcare Arts Trust (THAT) in association with NHS Tayside.

Participants have created a wide range of art works using drawing, printing and collage techniques and have worked to combine them into a photocopy ‘Zine’ publication.

Today’s celebration display included a selection of work by each participant as well as the launch of their People’s Stroke Group magazine.

Family, friends and colleagues visiting the exhibition saw examples of the diverse range of work produced during the two-month creative engagement programme.

Lead artist Sarah Jacobs and volunteer artist Annette McBride have been working with the group to help participants produce a collection of pieces that reflect their own personal interest.

Sarah said, “We have taken the group through a variety of techniques that I have specially developed to contribute to a ‘Zine’.

“This is the first time the group have worked in this way and it was a fun challenge to bring together a final collection that represented the group.

“They have responded so well and are planning to use the ‘Zine’ to promote the group further and encourage others to attend.”

Chris Kelly, THAT project co-ordinator, said, “We have worked with the group for a number of years providing them with a wide range of creative opportunities and the group always responds very positively to the experience.

“The group has gone through some significant changes in the last year and we decided this would be an exciting way to develop the new group identity.”

The ‘Zine’ art project is one of a range of art programmes for people with long term conditions currently being delivered by THAT, which promotes creative engagement to enhance participants’ health and wellbeing.

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