Emergency services were called at St John’s RC Academy last night, 7th of January, 2016, after a small chemical spill.
Scottish Fire & Rescue Service, Police Scotland and Scottish Ambulance service were called to a chemical spill.
Two cleaners from St Johns Academy were taken to Perth Royal Infirmary for precaution. It is believed the jar of chemicals spilled on to the floor, staff and pupils at the school were evacuated.
A spokeswoman for Perth & Kinross Council said: ”
We’re aware that there has been a lot of speculation and some anxiety about an incident at St John’s Academy, North Inch Community Campus, Perth yesterday afternoon and we would like to set the record straight.
After normal school hours there was an accident in a science classroom when a jar containing a preserved animal used in biology lessons was broken and the preservative solution in the jar spilled onto the floor.
For precautionary reasons, staff on site responded quickly to shut off the classroom concerned, the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service were contacted to ensure a safe clean-up of the materials and campus users were evacuated from the building. Two individuals were briefly exposed to the chemical, and were seen by Scottish Ambulance Service personnel at the scene. Specialist cleaners were called upon and the room professionally cleaned.
There was no significant danger, and we are pleased that the incident was dealt with quickly and safely, and the school was able to open as normal this morning.”