NHS Tayside meets Pete Chan following late night unannounced visits

NHS Tayside talks to business owner Pete Chan over unannounced late night visits to PRI.
Credit: Pete Chan

NHS Tayside talks to business owner Pete Chan over unannounced late night visits to PRI.

NHS Tayside bosses met with Pete Chan today following the unannounced late night visits to PRI.

In an online post Mr Chan said: “I’d like to thank Councillor Willie Wilson and Pete Wishart M.P for their efforts and support in this matter.”

NHS Tayside have advised visitors in the past that unannounced visits to any of its wards is not appropriate and must be planned accordingly.

Jim Foulis, Associate Nurse Director for NHS Tayside said, “We would like to thank Mr Chan for taking the time to meet with us.

“During the meeting, I assured Mr Chan that we understand that he has been acting with the best of intentions. However, I reiterated that our position has not changed and that we cannot have people accessing wards when the inpatient areas of the hospital are effectively closed.
“The security and safety of our patients and staff will always be our primary concern.”




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