Dundee author releases first novel

Dundee author Jane Robson’s first novel “Three Little Words” has recently been published.

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Dundee author Jane Robson’s first novel “Three Little Words” has recently been published.

Three Little Words is a novel set in and around the areas of Moreno Valley and Death Valley California.

The book spans a number of genres and would interest anyone that enjoys horror, mystery or thriller novels.

The intriguing story is about unreciprocated love and what happens to the heartbroken when they truly believe that are not loved. These rejected people don’t die of a broken heart. Their souls are devoured by something evil, something unimaginable.
Several people have witnessed the creature carry out its evil and vile killings. This included Lilly-Anne Freemantle. Traumatised by the death of her husband and knowing that the demon will continue to kill other heartbroken and defenceless people, she seeks out others that have lost loved ones.

The renegade team work together and it isn’t long before friendships and relationships are formed. They investigate ways to overpower the demon and end the killings, but along the way further losses are endured and further heartbreak experienced.

This is not your usual horror story filled with gory and bloody murders. Three Little Words has an unusual back story, interesting characters and makes you think about making sure your nearest and dearest know just how much you love them.

This novel reminds us that uttering those ‘three little words’ can bring joy and happiness. Yet makes you wonder what happens when love is not reciprocated. Can this be a catalyst for terror, horror and death?

The author has left some key questions unanswered and has confirmed that a sequel is already being written, but she is unwilling to give too much away on the new book, except for confirming that one familiar face from Three Little Words will be returning.
This book is a must read for anyone that likes a scare but at the same time enjoys a horror or thriller to have an interesting plot and memorable characters.

JM Robson has lived all her life in and around Dundee. She is married, has one son and two beautiful grandchildren. A lover of horror, thriller and mystery books, J M Robson spends her spare time reading and writing. She is currently working on a number of writing projects including the sequel to Three Little Words. She takes her writing inspiration from James Herbert and Agatha Christy, two of her favourite authors. [ucaddon_image_icon_banner image=”wp-content/uploads/2015/11/10846257_389197141240340_1306352103681723377_n.jpg” title=”Add your event for free!” link_txt=”Add Now” link=”https://newsmegroup.wpengine.com/events”]

J M Robson lives in a small village on the outskirts of Dundee. She is married, has one son and two beautiful grandchildren. She supports a number of animal charities in the UK and Abroad including “Help Bulgaria’s Street Dogs and Cats”, “Pongo Vet – Muscat Romania”, and “Rescue Dogs Romania”.

A copy of Three Little Words can be purchased from Amazon and Watersones.

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