New charge for the collection of garden waste

Letters are rolling out across the county detailing Perth and Kinross Council’s new chargeable garden waste collection service and asking residents to apply for a permit for each brown bin that they use for garden waste.

Letters are rolling out across the county detailing Perth and Kinross Council’s new chargeable garden waste collection service and asking residents to apply for a permit for each brown bin that they use for garden waste.

As from 1 April 2018, there will be an annual charge of £25 per bin for collecting garden waste. This charge is for grass cuttings, small twigs and branches, leaves, cut flowers, houseplants, weeds, hedge clippings, sawdust, bark and hay.

Households can have a maximum of two brown bins per property with £25 being charged for each bin used for garden waste. After this date, if a brown bin containing garden waste does not display a valid permit, it will not be emptied.

However brown bins being can still be used for household food waste and will continue to be emptied at no extra cost. This includes all cooked and uncooked food, dairy, eggs, meat, fish, bones, tea bags, coffee grounds, fruit, vegetables, bread, cakes, pastries, rice and pasta.

Anyone wishing to apply for a permit should go online at If you do so before Monday 5 March, this will guarantee your permit in time for the service change. Payment can be made this way by credit or debit card and permits will be posted out to be attached onto the relevant bin. Payment can also be made in person at Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth.

Householders not wishing to buy a permit can take their garden waste to their local recycling centre where it can be disposed of free of charge. Alternatively, they may wish to consider home composting.

For further assistance, contact the Council’s Customer Service Centre on 01738 476476 where an adviser can help.

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