The meeting of the Integration Joint Board today was an important one for the residents, families, and staff of Parkdale Care Home in Auchterarder and Beechgrove Care Home in Perth.
The Review of Residential Care provided by the Chief Officer recommended that Parkdale remain open and Beechgrove Care Home in Perth be closed. This option was recommended even although it left a shortfall in the savings target of £168,000.
Today’s meeting of the Integration Joint Board was unable to reach an agreement on the recommendations.
The board agreed to defer the decision on the future of both care homes until further information was available on funding. Details of funding from both Perth and Kinross Council and the Scottish Government will be taken into consideration after budget figures are received from both bodies.
The Perth and Kinross budget figures will be available after the meeting on 15th February. This will most likely mean that the future of both Parkdale and Beechgrove will not be decided upon until the next Integration Joint Board meeting on Friday 23rd March.
This is obviously great news for campaigners hoping to keep Beechgrove open and available for local residents.