Perth & Kinross Council awards foodbank £10,000 in funding

Perth & Kinross Council has today confirmed that a grant of £10,000 is to be made to Perth & Kinross Foodbank to alleviate the charity’s funding pressures in the current financial year.

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Perth & Kinross Council has today confirmed that a grant of £10,000 is to be made to Perth & Kinross Foodbank to alleviate the charity’s funding pressures in the current financial year.

Perth foodbank has been awarded £10,000 in funding that has come from the Council’s Community Justice and Inequality Fund.

Councillor Murray Lyle, Depute Leader of Perth & Kinross Council, said: “Perth & Kinross Foodbank benefits vulnerable residents of Perth and Kinross when they are facing a difficult time in their life. I’m pleased that Perth & Kinross Council has been able to identify appropriate funding to support them to continue this work. The £10,000 identified will be paid in 2017/18, and we are considering how the Council can support the Foodbank going forward.”

Councillor Peter Barrett, Convener of the Council’s Housing and Communities Committee, which includes both community safety and equalities within its remit, said: “Perth & Kinross Foodbank does tremendous work I am very pleased that we have been able to respond positively to help put the organisation on a sustainable financial footing. The support we are providing will also trigger other savings in their costs. The roll out of Universal Credit will increase demand for the supports provided by the Foodbank, and we are committed to supporting a partnership with them to tackle poverty and inequalities in our area.”

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Councillor Willie Wilson, Depute Provost, said: “Foodbank volunteers and staff do fantastic work to help people in need in this area. I would urge everyone who can to contribute to the work of the Foodbank by taking part in local collections. This is now easier than ever with collection points in all Perth and Kinross libraries.”

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