Beechgrove Care Home in Perth will close following a decision made today.
A decision today was made to close Beechgrove Care Home following a meeting earlier today. IJB agreed today to close Beechgrove Care Home in line with the recommendations, it has emerged.
A Perth and Kinross Council spokesperson said: “Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership is working to support people to live healthy and independent lives in their own communities. People have told us they want the support and care they need in their own home rather than in a residential care home setting. This is also the most financially sustainable way of providing social care services to people.
As a result there is a reducing need for residential care as people remain at home for longer. Demand for placements in the Partnership’s care homes has reduced as the number of people who receive care at home has increased. This decline in demand is expected to continue over time.
Following today’s decision by the Integration Joint Board we will now begin work to ensure a smooth transition for clients at Beechgrove (12 people). The welfare of residents will always be our first priority.
The closure of Beechgrove and the commissioning of care for the clients living there will be done with great care. Over the coming weeks and months social workers will work very closely with individual clients and families to help them move to an alternative care home of their choice, providing support, advice and guidance during a time that will understandably be stressful for them. Health professionals will also be involved where necessary.
A detailed transition plan will be put in place with the involvement of all clients and their families. Risk assessments that have already been carried out will be reviewed, and social work assessments will take place. Meetings with families and clients will be arranged as soon as possible to discuss their preferred options for relocation and timescales.
A formal consultation will also begin with affected staff at Beechgrove to discuss proposals for redeployment, individual options and circumstances, and to answer any questions they may have.”
Roseanna Cunningham MSP said: “I am extremely disappointed to learn, firstly, that the option being pursued was that which proposed closure of Beechgrove care home, but, secondly, that despite – or perhaps because of – the clearly expressed opposition by local councillors to this recommendation, the matter was not put to a vote, despite amendments being put by local SNP councillor Eric Drysdale and others.
“This decision does not put the processes of the Integrated Joint Board in a good light and makes a mockery of democratic accountability when the elected members present were systematically shut down.
“Residents, their families and community representatives have been let down in this process but the campaign continues.
“I would strongly urge Ms Dunion to reconsider her approach on this matter. Elected community representatives should not just be heard on matters of this nature, they should be given an active voice. Shutting down debate in this way is not acceptable.”
3/4 Councillors – including me – on the Perth & Kinross Integration Joint Board (Health & Social Care) gave passionate opposition to the proposed closure of Beechgrove Care Home. We were denied a democratic vote on it by the Chair.
— Xander McDade (@XanderMcDade) March 23, 2018
.@PerthandKinross, or more specifically the Integration Joint Board (IJB), facing a crisis of authority/legitimacy today after Beechgrove Care Home debacle. Totally illegitimate process which will be challenged by @theSNP and I hope others on the council. Simply scandalous.
— Dave Doogan MP (@DaveDooganSNP) March 23, 2018
By way of update @VoteXander I have asked the Chair to resign. She has refused to do so. #democraticoutrage
— CllrEricDrysdale SNP (@perthrover) March 23, 2018
View the latest comments on the decision here.