Pets at Home Perth announces its support for PADS through dedicated fundraising appeal

Residents of Perth are being encouraged to help rescue pets in need this year through fundraising initiatives at their local Pets At Home store.

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Residents of Perth are being encouraged to help rescue pets in need this year through fundraising initiatives at their local Pets At Home store.

Support Adoption For Pets, the UK’s largest grant-giving animal charity, has launched its brand new Charity of the Year initiative, which sees rescue centres across the UK building relationships with local Pets at Home stores, to work together in raising vital funds for the rescues.

The relationship will be a unique chance for rescues to raise awareness of their work in the local community.

Pets at Home Perth will be raising money for PADS and will kickstart the exciting, year long collaboration with a fundraising appeal this summer.

This is the first in-store activity of the relationship, and from 17 May, Support Adoption For Pets is asking Pets At Home stores across the UK to raise an ambitious £500,000 for its pet rescue centres. Not only will rescues be able to hero their work, they will also be able to utilise resources in the Pets at Home store, including access to the community boards and donated pallets of stock.

From 17 May to 13 June, there will be a range of activities taking place, with Pets at Home customers and animal lovers in the local area able to interact with the rescue centre team. Customers will be encouraged to donate either at store tills, or via the Support Adoption For Pets website.

A donation of just 50p will fund breakfast for a rescue pet, while £1 will fund meals throughout the day. £5 will provide food for a week and £15 will fund the entire month of food for a rescue pet.

Amy Wilson, Fundraising Manager for Support Adoption For Pets, said: “The summer fundraising appeal is a great opportunity for people to support their local rescue to give pets looking for a home the vital care they deserve. Even the smallest of donations can make a huge difference to a pet rescue centre.

“We’re overwhelmed every year by the hard work and enthusiasm of Pets at Home stores to raise money for their local rescues, and we can’t wait to see what this year holds.”

Chris Nicol, store manager at Pets at Home Perth said: “We’re delighted to be raising money for PADS this year, and hope that the people of Perth will get involved and support us on our fundraising mission.

“We have ambitious goals for our summer fundraising appeal, and every donation will help a rescue pet in need.”

Support Adoption For Pets is a charity established by Pets at Home in 2006. Since then it has helped over 1,000 rehoming centres and animal welfare organisations across the UK. In addition to its fundraising work, it also runs dedicated adoption centres in Pets at Home stores.

For more information, and to make a donation, please visit:

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