Police Scotland issue warning after seeing an increase in online offences

Recorded crimes in Tayside have shown an increase in some categories during the first half of 2021-22, compared to the same period last year.

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Recorded crimes in Tayside have shown an increase in some categories during the first half of 2021-22, compared to the same period last year.

Figures published today show a busy period with reported crime returning to pre-lockdown levels, showing an increase in violent crimes, dishonesty and vandalism.

Police Scotland are now working with communities more than ever to help reduce numbers, from violent crime to road safety.

Divisional Commander Chief Superintendent Phil Davison said: “We are seeing a return to pre-lockdown levels of demand and these figures also highlight the continued trend of increases in online offences being recorded.

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“We are working closely with partners to address the increase in violent crime and dishonesties, while also adding extra patrols in key areas to deter offending. Enquiries remain ongoing in relation to a number of cases where we are following positive lines of enquiry to bring offenders to justice.

“Tackling the harm caused by illicit drugs continues to be a priority for us in Tayside. We work closely with partners, including the Dundee Drugs Commission, to provide a holistic response to address the wider issues that lead to drug use. There is a role for enforcement to play and we regularly carry out intelligence-led operations to disrupt serious and organised crime, which can be seen in the increase in drug supply offences recorded compared to the same period last year.

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“Road safety is another key priority area and we are well supported by colleagues from Road Policing Division when it comes to tackling poor driver behaviour that puts others at risk. This period we have recorded an increases across a number of driving offences, including dangerous and careless driving, speeding and seatbelt offences. We are committed to improving road safety and patrols will continue to target those who put other road users at risk.”

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