Strathallan School announces expansion following period of unprecedented growth

Private school Strathallan welcomes their youngest pupils ever, following their expansion of Prep School.

Private school Strathallan welcomes their youngest pupils ever, following their expansion of Prep School.

Strathallan is delighted to announce this week the expansion of it Prep School to welcome P1 (Year 1) and P2 (Year 2) pupils for the first time, following a period of unprecedented growth that has seen the whole school roll grow by 20% over the last four years.

Strathallan Prep’s Head Emma Lalani said:“It’s been an incredible three years since the launch of the Prep School, and I have been so impressed with the dedication and dynamism of all the staff to strive for excellence in everything we do. We were the first Scottish school to join the Pre-Senior Baccalaureate, and we were recognised for the quality of our teaching with the Primary Science Mark, as well as the BSA Award for Boarding Innovation. Outdoor learning has flourished and I was so proud when the pupils launched their “Bee the Change” initiative at the UN Water Conference earlier this year.

Our pupils are so creative, it’s truly an exceptional place to learn and I am so excited to be able to welcome even younger children to our school this year.”

The new Year 1 and Year 2 classes will expand Strathallan Prep School’s provision down to age 5, and will follow a shorter day, with lessons 9am – 3pm and wraparound care available. Plans for expansion have been brought forward this year to keep up with demand, with designs for an ambitious new Prep School building having been submitted to Perth and Kinross Council’s planning in March 2023. The new building will include new classrooms, a multi-purpose hall and outdoor learning areas. 

Strathallan’s Headmaster Mr Mark Lauder said: “I couldn’t be prouder of what the Prep School has achieved in the three years since its launch. The hard work and dedication of the teaching and pastoral staff has been rightly recognised with a number of awards already, and I am always impressed with the new initiatives that both staff and pupils bring forward all the time. It will be a great privilege to be able to see younger pupils than ever join us and benefit from this truly special educational environment.”

Strathallan is registering now for the remaining spaces in P1 and P2 starting this September. For more information, visit

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Rational observer
Rational observer
1 year ago

Makes you wonder why a failing business (kilgraston) is having to beg for money from rich supporters.

Amos Trooper
Amos Trooper
1 year ago

I agree. Unless Kilgraston changes its structure or business model I fear it is just throwing good money after bad. It makes no sense for failing schools in the sector to be propped up. I fear this funding effort just staves off the inevitable, though I do hope I’m proved wrong.

1 year ago

Kilgraston was failing for years. It’s a single-sex, catholic school. They even said so in their own statement. Also, a school isn’t a business but perhaps they should have been more business-minded. Now they are owned by a Chinese company…

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