Tayside MPs learn more about region’s leading pea production

Tayside Members of Parliament Pete Wishart and Chris Law joined leading local farmer Bruce Farms to learn more about pea production in the region.

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Tayside Members of Parliament Pete Wishart and Chris Law joined leading local farmer Bruce Farms to learn more about pea production in the region, as the harvest season continues across Perthshire and the wider area. 

One fifth of the UK’s pea production is carried out in Dundee at the Dundee Cold Stores site, with peas grown across Angus, Fife and Perthshire frozen within two and a half hours of being first picked. 

Bruce Farms are a leading local producer of fruits, vegetables and cereals, providing produce for some of the country’s best-loved brands, including Birds Eye, Ribena and Albert Bartlett. 
Dundee West MP Chris Law said: “It was great to join Bruce Farms to find out more about their ongoing pea harvest and the benefits for our local area, particularly in my city of Dundee.

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“The impressive scale and speed of the harvest ensures that produce is as fresh as possible when reaching consumers, all while supporting jobs across our city.”

Perth and North Perthshire MP Pete Wishart said: “It was fantastic to be shown around the pea packing facility at Bruce Farms, which produces an astonishing 20% of peas in the UK. In just two and a half hours they go from the fields of Perthshire to being frozen and packed in Dundee.

“We are incredibly lucky here in Perthshire to have some of the world’s finest food and drink producers.

“I’d like to thank Bruce Farms for inviting us along to witness the harvest in person and see first-hand the impressive operation that is so vital to our local rural economy.”

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