Perth youngsters to take to stage at national event

St John’s Academy students will present to an audience of 1000 of their peers at the Youth & Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) Scotland’s National Event in June.
Emeli Sandé BBC

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St John’s Academy students will present to an audience of 1000 of their peers at the Youth & Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) Scotland’s National Event in June.

The group will present the impact the programme has had on the school and wider community. The YPI National Event is one of the largest youth gatherings in Scotland and will be headlined by global superstar and philanthropist Emeli Sande.

Jonathan Christie is Deputy UK Director at The Wood Foundation which delivers the YPI programme. He said: “YPI is all about empowering young people and giving them the skills and confidence to advocate on behalf of causes they truly care about. We have been greatly impressed by the students from St John’s Academy this year and are delighted they will be sharing their story on the stage.”

Earlier this year, St John’s Academy secured £3000 for Scotland’s Charity Air Ambulance.

As well as 1000 youngsters who won grants for their chosen charities in the past academic year, the audience will also include politicians, education professionals, charity representatives and corporate partners of the programme.

YPI is the most successful independent initiative being delivered in schools in Scotland. This year alone, 31,000 young people took part and £700,000 was channelled to causes championed by them.

Students across an entire year group are split into teams and tasked with researching a social issue they care about and identifying a charity which addresses that cause. They then develop and deliver presentations in a bid to secure a place in the final when one team will eventually win the £3000 grant.

The event takes place on Wednesday 20th June at Perth Concert Hall.

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