Friends of Perth & Kinross Archive: Scotland and the Plague 1350 – 1650

Friends of Perth & Kinross Archive: Scotland and the Plague 1350 - 1650 AprilApr 27 2023 18:30 - 19:30 Europe/LondonA K Bell Library, 17 York Place, Perth, United Kingdom
Our recent experience of the pandemic has brought renewed interest in the devastating plague pandemics that swept Asia, North Africa, and Europe from the middle of the 14th century. In this talk, Professor Richard Oram will look briefly at that first outbreak in the late 1340s but then turn to look closer at the responses to the successive waves of plague and other epidemic diseases in Scotland from 1350 to 1650.
We will see some striking parallels in responses and reactions between then and now, including issues like quarantines, lockdowns, and their breaches, punishments, health passports, concern over disruption to education, economic impacts, and the spread of misinformation.
Time, Place Ticketing
Date and time: Thursday, 27th of April / 6:30pm
Venue: Soutar Theatre, AK Bell Library, Perth
£5 for the in-person talk. Book via Eventbrite
£2 for the online talk, book via Eventbrite
Please note that tickets are free to members of the Friends of The Archive. When booking your ticket, remember to use your promo code.
Who are the Friends of The Archive?
The Friends group was started in 2000 by Archive users who wanted to know more about the records that make up our history and culture. They also realised they could help make the records more accessible and generally support the work of the Archive staff through projects and activities.
Membership of the Friends is open to anyone. As a member, you'll receive the latest newsletter and participate in our programme of talks and outings. Some members contribute articles to the newsletter or use their talents and enthusiasm as volunteers on projects in the Archive itself.


A K Bell Library, 17 York Place, Perth, United Kingdom


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