J. D. Fergusson Arts Award winner announced

The J.D. Fergusson Arts Award Trust aims to encourage promising Scottish artists by giving an annual Award which in alternating years is to develop an exhibition of new work.

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The J.D. Fergusson Arts Award Trust aims to encourage promising Scottish artists by giving an annual Award which in alternating years is to develop an exhibition of new work, and for travel to enable artists to carry out research and development work.

In 2014, the Award is for travel and this year’s winner is Edinburgh based sculptor Fiona Maher, who was presented with the Award by the Chair of the Trust, Roger Billcliffe, in a reception in Perth on Tuesday 4th March.

A shortlist of six applicants was selected from a total of 41 applications, with Trustees and external assessors, gallery owner Jill Gerber and artist Christine Woodside, choosing Fiona as the winner. She now plans to use the £4750 prize money to travel to Leitrim Sculpture Centre in Ireland to research the use of stone as a material in contemporary art practice.

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Convener of Lifelong Learning, Councillor Bob Band said “I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Fiona on winning this Award. It is a pleasure to support Fiona’s creativity and skill in this way. Since 1995, the J.D. Fergusson Arts Award Trust has presented an award annually and there is still time to enjoy the work of the 2013 Award winner, Debbie Lawson, in her exhibition, ‘Magic Carpet’ which is running at the Fergusson Gallery until Saturday 15 March.”



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