Plan to amend booking charges for parks and greenspace under consideration

A report to the next Environment Committee on Wednesday 26 March 2014 will set out proposed amendments to fees and charging criteria for events and football pitch bookings.

A report to the next Environment Committee on Wednesday 26 March 2014 will set out proposed amendments to fees and charging criteria for events and football pitch bookings on the Council’s parks and greenspace.

Councillors will hear that the parks and other green spaces managed and maintained by the Council add to the local quality of life for communities and visitors to Perth and Kinross alike, and are already used for a range of commercial, community, charity and Council events.

Football pitches are also available around the Perth and Kinross area with regular maintenance and inspection work carried out.

With a range of fees currently levied for booking parks and greenspace, the report puts forward the proposal to amend charges for commercial events and introduce charges for some non-commercial events. The Committee will be advised that some activities will continue not to be subject to charges.

It is also recommended that pitch bookings be simplified and clarified, with training charges incorporated into the overall fee. The proposed new arrangement is also intended to enable clubs to pay for a season’s booking in advance.

Environment Convener, Councillor Alan Grant said: “Our parks and green spaces host a diverse range of events throughout the year that attract residents and visitors alike to Perth and Kinross. Many of these also have important economic benefit for the area. The changes being proposed in this report are intended to provide consistency in our arrangements and ensure that the vibrant green space we have locally can be most effectively used.”

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