Giant retailers Tesco, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s ‘operate as normal’ in an Independent Scotland

Giant retailers Tesco, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s have confirmed they will continue to server customers and prices to remain competitive if Scotland goes independent.

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Giant retailers Tesco, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s to operate as normal in an independent Scotland.

Sainsbury’s said “The Scottish Referendum is a matter for the people of Scotland. We will respond to whatever voters decide and either way, will continue to server our customers. Whatever the outcome of the referendum, our prices will remain competitive.”

Tesco also said: “We are neutral on the referendum. Our sole focus is on giving our customers in Scotland a great service, which we will continue to do whatever the outcome.”

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And finally Morrisons also said: “Morrisons position on the vite is that we are neutral and we strongly believe that it is for the people of Scotland to decide. For a large company like Morrions to try and influence the debate would be really unhelpful. There are too many unknowns for us to say what would happen. If an independent Scottish government brought taxes and regulation down, then prices could be lower. The reverse could also happen.”

Aldi also commented on the matter and said: “Our priority will be to continue to provide you with the best products at the best possible prices and our commitment to Scotland will remain unchanged.”

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