Stagecoach driver praised by parents in Perth

A Stagecoach driver is yet to be named following the wonderful gesture that happened this afternoon.

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A Stagecoach driver is yet to be named following the wonderful gesture that happened this afternoon.

A Stagecoach driver has been praised by the public after he makes a wonderful stop to a young mum and her children, after he allegedly asked the parent to hop on the bus to make an unscheduled stop.

Danielle Davidson, from Perth, shared her experience on social media and thanked Stagecoach for being a great service.

Danielle said: “There are still some genuinely nice people out there! It’s pouring of rain on the way to Emily’s (Daughter)  swimming lesson and while we are coming up the Dunkeld road the bus driver turns and says ”

“you’re not trailing around town with the kids in that weather?”


Danielle confirmed the bus driver allowed them on to the bus, and made an unscheduled stop near Perth Leisure Pool. ” He has now just driven past the swimming baths on the way back to the depo so I didn’t have to walk in the rain with the kids! So grateful! ” She says in a comment.

Danielle was taking her daughter for a swim at Perth Leisure Pool.

Stagecoach delivering great service once again!

UPDATE > Stagecoach set to praise the driver who delievered a great act of kindness. Click here.

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