Man sentenced for series of domestic abuse offences in Tayside

Police Scotland has today welcomed the sentencing of Mark Duthie aged 33, for a series of offences, including rape, assault and abduction.

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Police Scotland has today welcomed the sentencing of Mark Duthie aged 33, for a series of offences, including rape, assault and abduction.

He was sentenced at the High Court in Edinburgh to nine years imprisonment, with a further two years extended sentence.

He had previously been found guilty following a trial into his crimes, which were committed against seven women in Tayside between 2003-2018. In March 2018, an investigation was opened into Duthie by Police Scotland’s Domestic Abuse Task Force, where the full scale of his violent behaviour became clear.

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Detective Sergeant Gordon Patullo, of the Domestic Abuse Task Force, said: “It is clear that Duthie is an extremely violent and dangerous male, who will justly face the consequences of his appalling acts of violence and sexual abuse.

“I would like to take this opportunity to praise his victims for their bravery in facing the trauma they’ve had to live with and coming forward. I hope that this sentencing today provides them with some closure and goes some way to giving other victims of domestic abuse the courage to speak out.

“This conviction should send out a clear message that domestic abuse crimes will be robustly investigated by Police Scotland and they have no place in our society.

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“If you are experiencing abuse, we want you to know that you are not alone. We encourage you to contact police or seek support and advice from one of our partner agencies, such as Women’s Aid. Together, we can support you through those next steps.”

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