Thousands arrive at Perth City Centre to celebrate St Johnstone FC win

Thousands turn up in Perth city centre to celebrate St Johnstone FC Scottish Cup Win.

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Thousands turn up in Perth city centre to celebrate St Johnstone FC Scottish Cup Win.

Perth & Kinross Council confirmed on Friday should saints win, a celebration parade will take place on Sunday and the stage will be located at Perth Concert Hall.

St Johnstone won against Dundee United 2 – 0 yesterday (17th May) making history for their team and Perthshire. Provost Liz Grant said: “I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the players and staff of St.Johnstone FC on their historic winning of the Scottish Cup and bringing it home to Perth for the first time.”

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Thousands of fans from Perthshire and some from across the world came to celebrate, one local business owner said “it is nice to see Perth sticking together, the support from other businesses and the council have been great” [blockquote style=”3″]Images must not be used without permission – all images are copyright subjected by Perth Gazette. [/blockquote]



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